Saturday, January 31, 2009

An eventful evening.

Let me preface this post by saying that last night was an eventful evening. not quite the usual crazy nights, but eventful nonetheless.

The day began as I headed to Local 77 for our Shred-a-nomic Stimulus sale. After I’d been up all day and night, I got off at around 2 a.m. and I’m right about to the rest stop on east-bound I-90 when I look to the west-bound lane and I see a quick flash of lights, and then emerges a white car rolling into the right hand shoulder.

I continued to NW Blvd. and turned around because I hadn’t seen any police or emergency vehicles headed to the scene. Keep in mind, it’s 2 a.m. so there is very little traffic on the freeway. As soon as I got to the scene, a passerby stopped to assist the disabled vehicle. In a combined effort, we removed everyone from the vehicle and the EMT and police showed up minutes later. I have to say, I was rather impressed by the response time and cleanup time of the PF Fire Department and the ISP. It wasn’t even a half hour before everything began and ended.

The shots came out a little noisy but it was really dark and I didn't want to blow a flash when the EMTs were doing their stuff. 1600 ISO sucks sometimes. Wishlist: 70-200 - 2.8.

Now I’m sitting at Schweitzer in Thor’s waiting for a phone call to go shoot the Outdoor Pursuits students that came up from NIC. The park is icy, the groomed runs are crud, and it’s the usual day of Schweitzer wind. Bluebird day gone bad. Not to mention I’m struggling to connect to this random linksys connection around Thor’s. God I wish I had my iPhone :(

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